Generalisation in Visual Object Recognition: A Comparison of Performance in Humans and Neural Networks
Ryan Blything, Research Associate, Psychological Science, University of Bristol
Venue | Senior Common Room, Level 2 (2D17), Priory Road Complex
Date | Thursday 14 February 2019
Time | 13:00
My research focuses on the representations that underlie generalisation and the extent to which they support generalisation. In this talk, I will outline a series of empirical investigations that examine human visual generalisation for words and objects, and I relate these findings to the predictions made by a number of neural networks which differ in the extent to which knowledge is coded in a context-dependent manner. Most notably, I highlight the test-case of translation invariance and use this to demonstrate that many well-established neural networks are limited in their capacity for generalisation and as a consequence, struggle to capture human-like behaviour.
All Welcome | Tea, coffee and cakes will be available after the seminar.